Community Forum: Medical assistance and relief in Africa

darfur.jpgThe medical and human conditions in the Sudan region of Africa are dire. You have heard many reports from the BBC, “The World” and from National Public Radio on the current situation, but you may not know what individuals in the medical community right here in Anchorage are doing to provide assistance and relief to the African community. This week Dr. Jack Hickel and RN, Lori Gibbons from the Southcentral Foundation join Community Forum host, Nellie Moore.

HOST: Nellie Moore, independent journalist


LIVE BROADCAST: Wed, Jan 2, 2007 at 2:00 p.m.

REPEAT BROADCAST: Wed, Jan 2, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.


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Bede Trantina, KSKA - Anchorage

Bede started her work with Alaska Public Media as a volunteer in 1979, and then the host of Morning Edition in 1980. In 1981 Bede became the Operations Director, and in 1989 she took her current position as FM Program Director. Bede recieved the Alaska Broadcasters Association Employee of the Year award in 1991.

Bede has always loved radio; after her first day of volunteering at KSKA she knew it’s where she wanted to be. A friend of Bede’s, Corky Merkel was a KSKA staff member and she invited Bede to come in to volunteer. Bede began helping Corky edit the program guide and then started volunteering on air Monday nights. That first summer in 1979, KSKA needed a vacation relief person for the on air staff. Bede made herself available to do anything they needed, so she could learn about radio from square one. Over thirty years later, Bede is still learning new things every day about her profession and the wonderful community she serves.

btrantina (at) alaskapublic (dot) org | 907.550.8481 | About Bede

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